On trying on bathing suits and popping ingrown hairs.

When I tried on my bikini for this summer, I knew it the moment I forced the bra clips together∙ I had to buy a new one. This bra was off – flesh was escaping from all sides, there was a tear that kept producing some white stuffing material as if it had a never-ending …

On being underdressed in the tube for an ad

The ad in the tube was of an amazingly hot man. Seriously, he was out of this world handsome. Square jaw, pristine bone structure, full lips, graying hair (just enough to think he is wise and not old) eyebrows to die for and big, almond shaped dirty* blue eyes.** His body, underneath the plain logo …

On animal cruelty, getting roofied and losing one’s convictions (Part 2)

I wish to finish the romance novel commentary, this time on the book Untamed, by Nora Roberts. It is by far, one of the (if not THE) worst books I have ever read. And to that list I include the ‘’books’’ I tried to write as a teenager, so the bar is pretty high.* I’m …